Wednesday 31 December 2014

The Woodwind Family of Musical Instruments

The pleasure that can be gained from learning to play a musical instrument is something that cannot be experienced otherwise. People choose to begin learning an instrument at all ages, and as practice makes perfect, the younger the better. Among the most satisfying of all the types of instruments is the woodwind family: split into two distinct groups – those that use reeds and those that do not – woodwind instruments are as diverse as it gets, and can produce a very beautiful sound. If you’re looking to learn, here’s some information you might find useful.

Woodwind Flute Instruments

These are the instruments that do not use a reed; instead, they are played by blowing a stream of air across a hole in a tube. The familiar flute group of instruments includes the flute itself, the popular children’s choice the recorder – ideal for beginners – and such ancient instruments as the Ocarina. Flutes are very beautiful instruments with a versatile and appealing range, and mastering one is an art that will bring great satisfaction.

Woodwind Reed Instruments

The larger group of instruments within the woodwind family is that of reed instruments: these use a wooden reed in a mouthpiece to facilitate the sound produced, and the group includes some of the most charismatic of all musical instruments. Among the most popular are the clarinet and saxophone, two types of instrument that are closely related. Each produces a charming sound and saxophones in particular are popular with musicians from the classical styles through jazz and rock.

Learning a Woodwind Instrument

If you are intending to attend woodwind lessons you should consider you options carefully, and make sure you buy from a reputable music shop that offers a good level of aftercare. Woodwind instruments need care during their lifetime, and an expert with knowledge of them will be a great asset in keeping your instrument in top condition. Furthermore, the shop will be able to put you in touch with a good teacher, one who will be able to help you improve throughout your playing years.
Which woodwind instrument should you choose? For children the standard recorder is a good starting point for woodwind lessons as it is affordable, easy to learn and a good way of getting used to the fingering techniques. Moving on to the clarinet or saxophone is a popular choice, and for those with a more adventurous side, perhaps the oboe will be of interest. Either way, learning a woodwind instrument is a very satisfying experience.

If you need information, a repair or help with your woodwind instrument, please feel free to contact us on 0114 2303 400  

Thursday 13 November 2014

Music Lessons in Sheffield FAQ

Sheffield has always been the epicenter for new music in the UK. From ABC and Def Leppard to Heaven 17 and The Human League, the Steel City has also produced a number of notable bands and musicians over the years. In recent years, traditional instruments have seen a strong resurgence in popularity. This includes guitars, drums, and especially woodwind items. If you love music and always wanted to learn these unique instruments, our music shop Sheffield will meet all your needs. Whether you want to learn the saxophone or clarinet, our experienced instructors will truly achieve your desired results.

Experience the Difference

Whether for personal enrichment or your career, music lessons Sheffield is a great way to master a range of instruments. Not only are lessons cost-affordable, they are designed to work at your pace. Our venue features some of the top music instructors and teachers in lessons. With years of extensive industry experience, these experts have helped countless students effectively learn their favorite instruments. With hands on training and instructional videos, you will truly experience the difference our music shop offers. From flutes and piccolos to oboes and bassoons, we specialize in professional tuition for all woodwind-based instruments.

Enjoy and Learn

Music has gotten so technologically and commercially advanced. This is why so many people are simply returning to the basics. Whether you love jazz, classical, or even rock music, we have the tools and expertise to teach you a myriad of ballads. Unlike music classes of the past, our music shop Sheffield is less rigid and designed to enhance your performances. This means you can enjoy learning your favorite instruments in a casual yet productive environment. With music lessons Sheffield, the entire family can participate in musical activities and learning. With so many people rediscovering musical instruments again, now is the perfect time to tap into our fun and exciting music lessons!

For more information, simply contact us for a free music instrument consultation.

If you need information, a repair or help with your woodwind instrument, please feel free to contact us on 0114 2303 400  

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Getting Music Lessons in Sheffield

Being able to play an instrument is something children, teenagers, and adults can become interested in.

Sometimes it starts as a child when hearing the radio and a song captures your attention. Teenagers often become fascinated with music and want to play just like their favorite musicians. Even adults may become interested in music at some point and decide they would like to play an instrument. People in the community of Sheffield, within the United Kingdom, would be happy to know that there are ways to get music lessons in Sheffield.

Perhaps the most popular instrument being requested for lessons is the electric guitar. The electric guitar is well known in some of the most famous bands across the world. People often love watching their favorite musicians jam in a music video or on stage and among the most memorable are the guitarists. Children and adults alike sometimes find that they want to explore their potential and learn how to play music. Getting music lessons in Sheffield can be accomplished by following a few tips that will be described below.

The first thing to do is find out which businesses or teachers are offering lessons for the electric guitar or the other instrument of your choice. There are a few top teachers and music businesses in the Sheffield area that will be able to help. You will want to find someone that teaches the instrument you want to play and that has a good reputation. One of the best ways to find out about the reputation of a music teacher is to ask friends or family for references. Another excellent method for finding great instructors is to read reviews online from previous students that have detailed their

Before heading to any types of music lessons it would be important to choose an instrument for yourself to play. If you are playing the electric guitar, you will want to head to some musical outlets or retailers in the area that sell them. You can often try different instruments out by holding them in your hands and seeing how they work with your hands and body. You will want to make sure to choose the one that feels comfortable in your hands and also has the look and sound you are desiring. Some will even demonstrate the sound for you before purchase so that you can hear what it will sound like once you start your music lessons. Once you purchase the right instrument, you will be able to move forward with learning how to play with the best teacher you can find.

If you need information, a repair or help with your woodwind instrument, please feel free to contact us on 0114 2303 400 

Thursday 11 September 2014

Q&A - Buy your next Clarinet

When you get excited about playing a musical  instrument, it's easy to go overboard and buy the most expensive instrument, to go all in. This is especially true if you are buying an instrument for your loved one.

The clarinet is no exception. In this article we'll go through common questions that come up when buying a clarinet.

What's your first priority when buying a clarinet? 

When buying a new clarinet, you want to think about the long term. Are you planning on committing to the instrument for a long time? Have you been playing for a while and looking for an upgrade? Buying a new clarinet only to keep it in the closet is basically the same as taking a good chunk of money and throwing it away, so look for long term use and cost-effective options – consider renting your instrument if you have any doubts. At our store you can find some of the best music lessons Sheffield has to offer to help you maintain your course on your new instrument.

Another long term consideration is how much your instrument will appreciate. Although a student clarinet may be a good instrument, it's better to think of it as an investment. Buying an instrument that's of a good model or high quality brand will often net you a gain over time since these instruments tend to rise in price. Professionals at our music shop Sheffield location can help you when looking for a new clarinet that will appreciate in time.

What are some reputable clarinet brands? Some of the most famous clarinet brands include Jupiter, Dixon, Amati, Yamaha, Vito, Selmer, Buffet-Crampon, Artley, and Armstrong. There are also lower priced clarinets from lesser known brands that are of good quality such as Lark and Orsi and Ripamonti. Evette and Bundy are two clarinet brands that are no longer in production, older brands that are known to be sound and decently priced.

If you need information, a repair or help with your woodwind instrument, please feel free to contact us on 0114 2303 400

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Woodwind Instruments: What they are and How to Play Them

Woodwind instruments, also referred to as wind instruments, are a category of musical implements that are played by blowing wind on one end to produce sound on the other. They are hollow on the inside and include a couple of keys on the outside which are used to vary the sound that comes out when blown.

Woodwind instruments vary in models and a good number are differentiated by the design of their mouthpiece. There is one category known as the Single reed, which means they have one reed at the mouth piece held in place by a special metal ligature. Clarinets and Saxophones have this mouthpiece design, hence are categorized as Single reed.

The double reeds have a pair of reeds on the mouthpiece tied to each other. Because of this design, it may be a bit difficult trying to play it for the first time. However, the advantage of the double reed design is that the player can produce long phrased musical notes in just one breath. Examples of the double reeds include the Bassoon and the Oboe. Additionally, you can also customize the double reed mouthpiece to tune it to a sound you prefer.

Some woodwind instruments like the transverse flute work differently. Air is blown across the mouthpiece as opposed to the above wind instruments where air is blown through them. However, the flute also contains extra holes on the top which functions similarly to the keys found in the single reeds and double reeds.

Given the difficulty involved in playing a distinctive tune with wind instruments, it is important to first get some music lessons on the basics. There are several music shops in Sheffield where you can learn to play your first musical instrument. A notable music shop is the  Bluenote Music Shop.

If you need information, a repair or help with your woodwind instrument, please feel free to contact us on 0114 2303 400

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Instrument servicing & Repair from Blue Note Music Shop, Sheffield

If you are looking for the best music shop Sheffield has to offer, then you have come to the right place. Our instrument servicing and repair services are fast, efficient, and effective. We are authorized to service and repair all major brands of orchestral instruments, and specialize in repairs of woodwind and brass instruments such as flutes, clarinets, trumpets, and horns for both professional and student players in the Sheffield area. We perform servicing and repair work in-house, rather than outsourcing, and have authorized technicians that are highly skilled and experienced with the latest technological advancements to ensure that your musical instruments are at their best.

If you have problems with your woodwind or brass instrument, we can help you. Everything from maintenance or initial setting up of your instrument to advanced repairs is handled by our experienced technicians. Woodwind players of all levels can find small services such as replacing springs, pads, and cork on damaged instruments as well as large-scale types of repairs such as replacing tenons, complete restoration of mechanical components, and straightening bent components. We also have the equipment and experience to handle the needs of professional and student brass players. We can repair valves, fix dents, and provide custom instrument repairs.

Using the latest technology, we can find leaks that would normally go undetected to make sure that pads on your woodwind instrument are placed optimally. We can also help you customize your instrument to your need, with special pads, key risers, screws, or rods to make sure that you are as comfortable as you need to create great music. We also provide instrument cleaning services, ensuring that your trumpet, horn, or tuba sounds like new by using advanced technology to remove all debris and gunk from the insides and to make the exterior shine.

If you need information, a repair or help with your woodwind instrument, please feel free to contact us on 0114 2303 400

Our Music Shop, Sheffield

At our Sheffield music shop we offer music lessons for students of all ages. We have a music room built specifically for this purpose that allows us to offer lessons in all orchestral woodwind instruments, including recorder, saxophone, flute, clarinet, bassoon, and oboe. Our music shop also has piano teaching rooms where students can take lessons with qualified piano teachers.

It is never too late to start learning a musical instrument! We can provide you with everything you need to start, from the best instruments for a beginner in affordable price rangers, to a wide variety of sheet music available on location. Didn't find what you need? No need to worry! At our website you can find even more sheet music and musical products and we can order anything that you need to get started today!

Our teachers are highly qualified and experienced and will impress you both with their knowledge and abilities as well as with their pedagogical skills and professionalism. We offer a wide variety of lesson options. You can take individual lessons with one of your teachers or, if you prefer, you can take a group lesson. We purposefully keep our groups small, of only up to three people, to make sure that you get the attention you need to master a new musical instrument. You can also customize your lessons to make sure that they are right for you and for your schedule. Depending on your age and abilities, you can take lessons as short as fifteen minutes or as long as a full hour.

We pride ourselves in being the best music shop Sheffield has to offer. You will have no problem finding music to play as you progress through your lessons thanks to our large sheet music collection conveniently located on site. It is never too late to start, visit us today!

Call us today on 01142 303 400 or click here to organise an appointment for advice on buying the right instrument for you.